Oregon Aglink Blog

Adapt and Embrace: A Salute to John McCulley

Posted on April 5, 2018

Q: Our records show that you started serving on the board of directors in 1988, does that seem right?

A: Wow! Didn’t realize it was that long ago.

Q: How did you get involved with ABC/Oregon Aglink originally?

A: I was executive secretary for the Oregon Fairs Association. At that time and for many years, Aglink (ABC) coordinated the Oregon’s Best Program at county fairs. Aglink also had a presence at the Oregon State Fair. Oregon fairs and Aglink both saw fairs as a way to connect with many non–ag Oregonians.

Q: What do you remember about the Agri-Business Council of Oregon in those years, before it became Oregon Aglink? Are there any campaigns or events you remember fondly?

A: Just as today, the organization has always benefited from dedicated leaders. The crop sign program was the signature activity 30 years ago and it continues to this day. I also fondly recall the first Denim and Diamonds events that were just a wonderful celebration. I think also the Landmark of Quality program with its widely used logo was a foundational campaign in those years.

Q: What are some ways you’ve seen Oregon agriculture and its producers change in the last 30 years?

A: The most obvious, of course, is the rapid adoption of technology. People in agriculture are the most inventive and forward thinking individuals around. I continually marvel at the way producers adapt to changes and how they embrace the most challenging business in the world. Two other things come to mind: the very impressive number of highly skilled young people returning to the farm and the growing number of women leaders in agriculture who are making such a huge, positive impact on the industry.

Q: What’s something that current and future members of the Board of Directors should remember going forward? Any advice or encouragement?

A: Aglink has moved to a higher plane in recent years. The challenge will be to continue to advance. Adopt a Farmer is the best and I only hope that the industry continues to embrace it. Any efforts that show the public (and especially policy–makers) the truth about agriculture are vital.

Q: What’s next for you?

A: I will continue to be a part of the agriculture community serving on the boards of the Oregon FFA Foundation and the Oregon Fairs Foundation. I really enjoy my involvement with Rotary where I serve on the club’s foundation board and several committees. Beyond that I’m a volunteer SMART (Start Making a Reader Today) reader, brew beer, garden, try to keep up with our grandson and squeeze in travel along the way. What a great life!