Q: Our records show that you’ve been serving on the Board of Directors for quite a while– do you remember what year you joined?
A: I do not remember the year I began serving on the Board of Directors but it was over 10 years ago. Orchard View Farms had been a member for many years and we have always appreciated those involved in promoting agriculture and a positive image of what agriculture does for the state of Oregon.
Q: What led you to get involved?
A: I got involved as I have always been interested in encouraging producer involvement in the promoting agriculture. I have always been involved in various groups representing agriculture and Oregon Aglink was a continuation of that involvement.
Q: What led you to go beyond the Board of Directors and serve on the Oregon Aglink Executive Committee?
A: I served on the Aglink executive committee to do what I could to get others involved. Getting the younger generations involved in Aglink has energized the organization and it is great to see more and more younger producers getting into leadership position
Q: Why does it make sense for Oregon Aglink to have a member of its Board of Directors from the Columbia Gorge? Flipping that question around, why does it make sense for someone farming in the Columbia Gorge to have a local producer serving on the Oregon Aglink Board of Directors?
A: It is important that Aglink has board members from all regions of the state. The need to have everyone represented is good for both Aglink and the various regions of the state. Producers tend to get focused on local issues and it is great to expand horizons and see what other regions of the state have to offer. We can all learn by better understanding the issues of producers with other interests.
Q: What’s something that current and future members of the Board of Directors should remember going forward? Any advice or encouragement?
A: Going forward, members of the Board of Directors need to remember that all aspects of agriculture need to be represented and we can better represent Oregon agriculture only if we have a good understanding of the vast diversity of what makes up Oregon Agriculture. This diversity needs to be presented in a positive way to the whole state of Oregon if we are to continue to grow.
Q: What’s next for you?
A: As I move more toward an eventual retirement, I continue to be involved in our family farm and many different local and state organizations, not all of which are directly involved in agriculture. We need to remember agriculture is a small portion of the state as a whole and we need to communicate with others so that they may have a much better understanding of what Oregon Agriculture is.