Oregon Aglink Blog

Five Senses for Farming

Posted on October 31, 2023
Executive Director Mallory Phelan

Sight. Sound. Smell. Touch. Taste. Aristotle’s Metaphysics begins by illuminating the human desire to understand – and the indication of this is the delight we take in our senses. Even apart from their usefulness, our senses are loved for how they captivate us. He goes on to suppose that sight is our most favorite. That’ll be the extent of ancient philosophy for now, but it made me think about the power of experiencing the farm or ranch or forest through our senses. It’s the basis of nearly all education outreach we do at Oregon Aglink on behalf of our members – because there really is no substitute for seeing something with your own eyes and five-senses learning.

As the school year gets rolling, the Oregon Aglink calendar fills up with field trips and classroom visits to middle schools across the state. Farmers generously give their time, talents, and resources to connect with students. These connections are what enable students to use all five senses to discover, contemplate, hypothesize, and consider more about agriculture than most ever have in their young lives. Students will have multiple opportunities throughout the school year to use their eyes, ears, nose, hands, and mouths to experience a slice of Oregon agriculture through our farm, ranch, and forest matches.

Entering our thirteenth school year of the Adopt a Farmer program, we have some farmers and teachers who have been participating for nearly all of them and many for half or more! There are also new farms and schools this year we’re excited to welcome into the fold including some Portland metro schools, one in a new county for us (Lake), and for the first time since the program began, timber will be front and center thanks to a new partnership with Hampton Lumber.

Young students aren’t the only ones who benefit from experiencing the farm first-hand. We know adults can have just as impactful experiences when getting to see the farm for themselves and talk with a farmer directly. We’re thankful for partners like Oregon Dairy & Nutrition Council who have invited our participation on tours this past year with dieticians and teachers, as well as groups like the Salem Rotary whose members who have not only gone on a farm tour to our current President Kathy Hadley’s place, but made a monetary contribution to our work. If you’re part of a civic, church, or other group that might be interested in a tour of a farm for adults, reach out to us! We would love to help make a unique, behind-the-scenes visit to a farm happen and help engage Oregonians around agriculture.

As we continue toward the end of 2023 with the season of gratitude and giving upon us followed by the goal setting focus a new year brings, I hope you’re able to slow down and allow yourself to be captivated by your farm, ranch, or forest and take delight in the world around you using all five senses.

Mallory Phelan

Executive Director

Oregon Aglink