Oregon Aglink Blog

Our Work is Growing

Posted on January 13, 2020

The holidays were a great time to reflect on the previous year and express thanks for what we have and what we do. We can be thankful for the food and fiber we grow or produce. We can be grateful that we are associated with such amazing and passionate people who truly love what they do every single day in spite of the challenges.

Some of those amazing people are individuals who love to educate others about amazing dedicated farmers throughout our state. Among them are the staff, board members, volunteers, and donors of Oregon Aglink who work together to teach but also continue to learn about each other and share our stories. Being associated with organizations like Oregon Aglink enables us to reach more people with our common message: this state is amazing, our agricultural industry works hard, and we should be proud of what we do.

Many farming operations can take a little break in the coldest months, but there are many others for whom this is still “harvest season.” Dairy, timber, crabbers, and fishermen are out there in the cold and the rain, and the people who process, pack, and ship our Oregon products are busy as well.

People need food 365 days a year, not just when food is harvested. The innovations that have allowed us to store, preserve, and ship goods all over the world and throughout the year has given society better access to the Oregon products we are so proud to grow.

As we transition into this new year and set our goals and resolutions, please let us know what yours look like. Are you hoping to get involved? Start something new? Who will be working alongside you, and who can you help with your own knowledge and resources?

Let’s reflect on what went right in 2019, and think about how we can all continue stronger for 2020.


Megan Thompson

Oregon Aglink President