It’s up to all of us, professionals in agriculture and its supporting industries, to help connect all Oregonians to agriculture. Join now.
Health Insurance: Over 20 medical plans with copays for office visits, prescription coverage, vision, alternative care with a range of deductibles, and out of pocket maximums. Healthcare Savings Account Plans, which allow for tax-advantaged savings with major medical coverage. Large provider network from Portland to Medford and Newport to Ontario. Each employer may select more than one plan to offer to employees.
Dental Insurance: Access to Oregon’s largest network of dentists through two different plans. Can be offered as employer paid or voluntary.
Life and disability insurance: Coverage available as employer paid or voluntary to protect owner or employee income from life’s unexpected events.
Contact Information
Any member of Oregon Aglink qualifies regardless of size, location, or business type – it’s not just for farms and ranches but any supplier, processor, nonprofit, or other associate businesses, too.
We’ve partnered with the Arthur J Gallagher agency (our trusted health planconsultants) and Transamerica Insurance to offer a 401k platform with loads of benefit for small and large businesses alike.
Retirement Plan Features
Contact Information
As a member of Oregon Aglink, you are eligible to receive discounts through our affinity programs, including the following:
For more information, contact Allison Cloo, Director of Membership and Programs at [email protected] or (971)600-0428.
AgLink is a full-color, 16-page magazine sent to all Oregon Aglink members three times a year. The publication’s content highlights the efforts Oregon Aglink engages in on behalf of its members, while showcasing the membership’s achievements to the greater Oregon agriculture community. Read our current articles.
It’s the best way for Oregon Aglink members to stay up-to-date on a variety of topics, including:
Members, we want to hear from you! Have a comment or suggestion? A member we should feature? Contact Allison Cloo, Director of Membership and Programs at 971-600-0428.
Is there a service you provide? If you’d like to advertise, please contact us at the above number or [email protected]
The Product of Oregon Landmark of Quality logo can be placed on packaging, brochures and other marketing materials to indicate your product is grown or processed in Oregon. The logo is available to all Oregon Aglink members.
Oregon Aglink’s ongoing Cultivating Common Ground initiative continues to educate consumers about the advantages of buying local. Consumers can look for this logo to ensure they are buying quality, local products.
To get a copy of the logo please contact Mallory Phelan, Executive Director at 503-595-9121 x106.
Oregon Aglink is committed to providing our members with the tools and resources to create a safe work environment.
Download a Safety Meeting Agenda and Minutes Form to track your monthly meetings!
Explore the links below to find tools and resources to help make your work environment as safe as possible.