The “Rooted. Green. Vital.” logo is a registered trademark developed by Oregon Aglink, and designed by Anton Kimball, in October 2010. Since its registration in February 2012, it’s been used by Oregon Aglink in communicating with urban Oregonians about Oregon agriculture. It’s “Rooted. Green. Vital.” message is a sentiment that describes the relationship of Oregon agriculture to the state of Oregon.
“Rooted.” relates that Oregon agriculture is rooted in Oregon’s history. For Oregon Trail pioneers, the fertile soils of the Willamette Valley laid the foundation for a state where more than 12 percent of the economy still comes from the farmers and ranchers who provide the food and fiber we all enjoy.
“Green.” refers to sustainability practices that are at the forefront of Oregon agriculture’s decisions and actions. As technology evolves, farmers and ranchers are steadily reducing the use of energy and water needed to produce, while embracing practices that benefit fish, wildlife and native wetlands. Through their efforts, farmers and ranchers are helping conserve resources for future generations.
“Vital” relates that Oregon agriculture is vital to Oregon’s future. Civilization began with agriculture, and human society was forever changed when ancestors settled and began growing their own food. Most of the urban world has forgotten this fundamental connection, and humanity’s fundamental dependence on agriculture is often overlooked. The simple truth is that Oregon’s farmers and ranchers are vital to the survival of all Oregonians.
The “I am Oregon Agriculture” campaign started in 2013 as a way to highlight the fact that 98 percent of Oregon’s farms are family farms. Some family farms choose to incorporate or become LLCs for business reasons. Regardless of size and business methods, all are still family farms and all are Rooted. Green. Vital. to Oregon agriculture.
Filmed in partnership with KATU, Oregon Aglink’s first “I am Oregon Agriculture” ad ran on KATU in August 2013 and June 2014.
In the summer of 2014, ABC and KDRV (a KATU affiliate) partnered to film a Southern Oregon version of the ad focusing on Medford area farmers. This version ran on KDRV in Southern Oregon in September 2014 and May 2015.
At the end of each ad, a link directs viewers to our Oregon Fresh blog, where farmers and ranchers tell their “I am Oregon Agriculture” story. To add your story, contact Allison Cloo at 503-595-9121 x 103.
This program connects adult consumers with farmers primarily by facilitating direct farm tours to showcase production practices, food safety, how to buy Oregon grown food, a little myth-busting, and more. Consumers engaging in this project better understand the economic, environmental, and social impact Oregon farms have on our state, country, and world.
Past participants include consumers from Portland as well as dietitian students from the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) and Oregon State University (OSU). We are currently looking for more interested organizations and civic groups who would like a behind the scenes look at food production in Oregon. Fill out the interest form below to find out how you can participate.
In 2017 we began to collaborate simultaneously with the Oregon Dairy and Nutrition Council (ODNC) and the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) to to fund consumer education farm tours for adults – both partnerships continue today. We are excited to have also received funding through the Oregon Department of Agriculture’s Specialty Crop Block Grant Program to facilitate more farm tours focused on specialty crop producers for the next two years!
We are very grateful to the following farms and organizations who donate their time and resources to partner with us and share their part in Oregon agriculture. These tours would not be possible without their participation.
4-B Farms | Abiqua Acres | Columbia Farms | JD Ranch | OSU North Willamette Research and Extension Center | Northwest Hazelnut Company | Pearmine Farms | Rickreall Dairy | Ruddenklau Farms