As part of Oregon Aglink’s work in education and outreach, we provide curated resources for issues important to agriculture in our state.
Somewhere between everyday common sense and binders of regulations, there is a safety culture that can work for your operation and make sure everyone gets home at the end of the day. Oregon Aglink has partnered with other organizations and businesses to share material that makes safety accessible for all Oregon farms and ranches.
If there are other resources you’ve found helpful or that you would like considered for this page, please contact our membership and programs director Allison Cloo via email (first [email protected]) or by phone at 971-600-0428.
Starting in Summer 2022, Oregon OSHA set new rules for protecting employees from heat related illnesses. Here are the pieces that might be immediately useful for you or your team:
English Resources:
Spanish Resources:
For more resources, including videos and printable posters/cards, visit the Oregon OSHA page on Heat Stress and Heat Illness
Oregon OSHA has established new rules about wildfire smoke and air quality in 2022. You can read the long form rules or check out their condensed and printable resources for handling poor air quality at your operation.
English Versions:
Fact Sheet with key requirements about smoke (PDF)
Online Course about smoke that satisfies 5 out of the 10 requirements for the new OSHA rules
Videos about wildfire smoke rules and safety
Spanish Versions:
Fact Sheet with key requirements about smoke (PDF)
Online Course about smoke that satisfies 5 out of the 10 requirements for the new OSHA rules
Videos about wildfire smoke rules and safety
For more information, visit the Oregon OSHA Wildfire Smoke page.
Oregon Aglink has partnered with OSU Extension Service and the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN) to distribute important information and training opportunities surrounding stress and mental health issues faced by people in the agricultural industry.
To Learn More about FRSAN and training for rural resilience and interventions in stress, visit their website: Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network.
Are you a producer or employee in crisis? Call the AgriSafe Help Line:
The AgriStress HelplineSM is a free and confidential crisis and support line that you can call or text 24/7. Phone calls have interpretation available in 160 languages, and text message services are available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. The helpline is answered by trained professionals who can offer support and help you find mental health and agriculture-related resources in your area. We know that agriculture is unique – that is why our crisis specialists have received training on the factors that impact people working in agriculture.
Oregon Aglink has partnered with SAIF in the past to produce content tailored to agricultural operations in Oregon.
Tractor Safety (English | Spanish)
Farm Shop Safety (English)
ATV Stability and Safety (English | Spanish)
For other videos produced by SAIF, including some on chainsaw safety and preventing slips, trips, and falls, visit the SAIF Youtube channel to find playlists on different topics.
Since 2018, Oregon Aglink has partnered with several public agencies and private companies to create safety signs to be hung along roads where drivers should expect to share the road with farm equipment.
Depending on where you live, you may have seen our signs in Marion County, which were funded in part by Papé and Marion County Sheriffs Office, or our signs in Washington County, which were created with the guidance of their County Farm Bureau and the Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District.
If you would like to see some of these signs designed for your area, please contact us at [email protected] to tell us about your location and potential partners we should contact.