

Support for Your Ag Education

As part of Oregon Aglink’s work in education and outreach, we provide curated resources for issues important to agriculture in our state.

Whether you’re looking to pursue your own education or help someone in your family, staff, or community reach their own goals, these are some Oregon organizations that regularly provide scholarships.

Many scholarships post their information in late fall or early winter, with applications due during spring. When planning ahead to apply, make sure to mark out your timeline for completing materials and getting any references from your current school or place of employment.

If there are other resources you’ve found helpful or that you would like considered for this page, please contact our membership and programs director Allison Cloo via email (first [email protected]) or by phone at 971-600-0428.

Scholarships at State and County Level

Scholarships from Oregon Women for Agriculture and Oregon Farm Bureau are run via each chapter/county. Click through the main organization links to find the chapter closest to you and information about any scholarships they offer.

Scholarships by Industry or Organization

Different associations and organizations offer scholarships to their members, their families, or sometimes general applicants interested in a particular field of study. Follow the links for details and dates

Oregon Association of Nurseries

Oregon Cattlemen’s Association

Oregon Dairy and Nutrition Council

Oregon Dairy Women and ODFA

Oregon Seed Association 

Oregon Seed Council

Oregon Sheep Growers Association

Oregon State University Horticulture & Ag Science

Oregon Water Resource Foundation

Oregon Wheat Growers League

Oregon Wine Brotherhood

Willamette Valley Ag Expo

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